Those parking meters
A lot has been said about the Government’s move to install parking meters - good and bad.
But here’s a couple of points. Firstly, if they are anything like the parking meters that were installed at the Faleolo International Airport a while ago, then they are bound to fail.
Remember that expensive project costing thousands of tala?
And how long did it last? Not long at all. We can tell you that much.
By the way, what happened to the meters at the airport? And was there any follow up with the contractor who provided them since they were obviously faulty? It would be interesting to know.
Now coming back to the meters, here’s another thing.
We sure hope they have some cameras installed around the area where the meters are located.
One of these days – as it happens in Samoa – someone will try and rip one of them meters from the ground and take it home as a prize to being stupid.
We’ve seen it done with most things on the road.
How do you explain those road signs that suddenly disappear? Then all of a sudden you turn up to someone’s umukuka and you see it there!
Only in Samoa!
Speedy escort
Kids say the darnest things, alright.
So how do you explain to a little one when they see a police escort for an important person speeding past and she asks: “Daddy, aren’t they breaking the law? Shouldn’t the Police lead by example when it comes to speeding?”
Quick thinking and you have to be honest.
Oh baby, they are only taking a very important person (VIP), you try to explain.
“Where to daddy?
“To the hospital?
“Or the morgue?”
Oi aue!
Bishop’s fashion statement
This is a conservative country. How do we know?
Check out the facials from some of the local officials when Australia’s Foreign Minister Julie Bishop rocked up with a mini dress to all her engagements with Prime Minister Tuilaepa on Thursday.
Now that might have been acceptable in Canberra Australia during summer but it’s definitely pushing it in Samoa. Not when she’s walking infront of all those matais whom she was meeting and speaking to that day.
A nice puletasi would’ve done the job. Just saying.